What is the Difference Between Active and Passive PA’s?

Fender PA SystemTwo Main Types of PA Systems In the world of portable and permanent PA systems, you will usually hear the words “active” and “passive” when describing the type of PA system being used. This blog will explore what the real differences are, the pro and cons, and why you may want to use one over the other. A lot of… Read the rest

Portable PA Systems With 30 Watts of Power (or less)

Samson PA system7 things to consider when deciding if a “mini” PA system will suit your needs. The least expensive of the PA systems – PA systems with 30 Watts of power or less – provide a wide range of highly functional solutions to the problems of sound reinforcement. Because they are relatively easy to manufacture, this segment of the market is… Read the rest

6 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Portable Sound System for Your Classroom

portable PA system with headset micThe proper sound system can critically impact student performance in your classroom. Classroom sound systems include any sound reinforcement system that amplifies a teacher’s voice to reach all corners of the classroom, overcoming background noise and enhancing student concentration. A portable classroom sound system provides an affordable solution for teachers seeking a simple-to-use system that’s easy to carry from place… Read the rest

Handheld PA’s & Megaphones

Choosing the Right Handheld PA & Megaphones Hand-Held PA’s & Megaphones: There Is No Such Thing As A Small Audience Megaphones: A megaphone is a cone-shaped device designed to amplify spoken words or manufactured sounds (such as a warning siren). Megaphones have a long history stretching back to the ancient world. They are a naturally occurring acoustical enhancement. In other… Read the rest

Introducing a True Wireless Portable PA System

Most PA systems that are available commercially are portable. Now portable means many things to many people. For instance, I have personally worked with a portable PA system that weighed in at 75 pounds (that’s 34 kilograms for you metric fans). But, regardless of weight, a portable sound system is not meant to be permanently installed. But what a portable… Read the rest

7 Steps to Choosing a Classroom PA System

Between the challenges presented by poor acoustics and the noise generated by boisterous students, it can sometimes be difficult for teachers to make themselves heard. One easy and affordable solution to this problem is a mini classroom PA system. The right PA system can turn any unfocused class into one that shines. But how do you know which mini PA… Read the rest

Fender Passport Portable PA Systems

Fender Passport Deluxe PA Systems vs. Fender Passport Deluxe Plus Systems This article compares the older self-contained Fender Passport Deluxe PA systems to the newer Fender Passport Deluxe Plus sound reinforcement systems. Both the Fender Passport Deluxe PA systems and the Fender Passport Deluxe Plus PA systems include everything you need to project great sound for general presentations as well… Read the rest

8 Features to Consider When Shopping for a Midsize PA System

First things first – what exactly is a portable PA (public address) system, let alone a midsize PA system? Sound systems encompass everything from a humble megaphone to the acres of Marshall stacks used at the biggest rock concerts. What all these sound systems have in common is that they use a microphone, amplifier and speaker to magnify sound… Read the rest

7 Outdoor Sound Reinforcement Solutions

For outdoor events, you need a sound reinforcement system that packs the power necessary to make your voice and/or music heard. Indoors, acoustic reflections help the sound system amplify the sound. Outdoors, these reflections disappear, taking with them the perceived power of your system. To provide the same level of sound reinforcement as an indoor system, an outdoor system must… Read the rest

5 Portable PA Systems For Large Venues

Large sound systems must be powerful, but these 5 PA systems are portable too! For large venues, PA systems need power. The portable sound systems we recommend drive large, heavy-duty loudspeakers with amplifiers rated at 100 Watts or better. In addition, the large PA systems we recommend are more portable. These PA systems use lighter loudspeaker magnets; integrate compact digital… Read the rest