VHF vs. UHF: What Wireless FM System Is Ideal for You?

If you’re in the market for a wireless microphone (or assisted hearing system), chances are you’ve checked out both VHF and UHF models. And you’ve probably noticed some key differences, especially when it comes to price. What’s the difference between VHF and UHF wireless systems, and which is the ideal choice for you? What’s the Difference Between the VHF &… Read the rest

5 Questions to Ask Before You Rent or Buy Audio Gear

Your organization is planning its next conference, and you’re in charge of providing microphones. There’s only one problem: you don’t have any gear. What next? Is it better to rent your delegate microphone system, or is it better to buy it? There isn’t a right or wrong answer to this question. No matter what kind of pro-audio equipment you… Read the rest

How To Save Your Voice & Help Kids Learn

How Wireless Assistive Listening Systems Benefit Kids & Teachers It seems obvious: kids learn better when they can hear their lessons. Classroom PA systems are a great way to overcome acoustical challenges for students with unimpaired hearing. But how can you improve the classroom experience for students with mild hearing impairment? Good educational practices- not to mention ADA requirements –… Read the rest

How Assistive Listening Systems Enhance Worship for Everyone

Can Assistive Listening Systems Enhance Your Services? Choosing the right assistive listening system to use in your house of worship not only fulfills ADA requirements, but also makes religious services and group activities more rewarding. What are ADA compliant assistive listening systems, and how can they help you make religious services accessible to everyone? ADA Compliant Assistive Listening Systems Let… Read the rest

Are Assistive Listening Devices Safe to Use With Pacemakers?

Why Portable Amplifiers Are a Better Assistive Listening Device for Pacemaker Wearers With today’s explosion of wireless technology,  a sea of data regarding the safety of everything from cell phones to assistive listening devices has spawned a lively and sometimes confusing public health debate. Nowhere is this confusion more apparent than in the controversy over whether or not — or… Read the rest

Stay Alert With Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices: More Than Just Hearing Aids The phrase “assistive listening device” brings to mind just that: A portable personal amplifier or listening system that boosts sound, allowing you to hear things you may otherwise miss, including conversations and TV programs. But assistive listening devices (ALDs) also include alerting systems that use flashing lights or vibrations to let you… Read the rest

5 Hearing Protection Tips for Audio Pros

From concert halls and nightclubs to recording studios, audio engineers and musicians are pumping up the volume more than ever before. And as hearing loss begins to take its toll, they’re also facing the music. According to the House Ear Institute (HEI), “Advances in the electronics industry have made possible clean sound production at higher sound pressure levels. “This has… Read the rest

10 Steps to Combat Hearing Loss

Hearing LossPreserve Your Hearing & Maintain Your Quality of Life Hearing loss has reached epidemic proportions in modern life. As many as 10 million Americans have already suffered irreversible hearing loss. And 30 million more Americans are exposed to dangerous noise levels each day. In a previous post, I outlined ways to tell if you’re at risk for noise induced hearing Read the rest

Are You at Risk for Noise Induced Hearing Loss?

No escape from noise Noise is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. But noise is a part of everyday life: from television and stereos to automobiles, buses and trucks. When an individual is exposed to harmful sounds that are too loud or extended over time, sensitive structures of the inner ear can be damaged causing Noise-Induced Hearing Read the rest