7 Do’s And Dont’s For Multimedia Presentations

Multimedia presentations are an integral part of any meeting, conference or event. If you’re an event planner or a presenter, there are a host of issues that can keep your presentation from having the impact it deserves. Whether you’re presenting in front of your organization’s board of directors or a crowd of attendees at a trade show, use our list… Read the rest

7 Solutions to Common Wireless Microphone Problems for Event Planners

Wireless microphones are a favorite standby for event and meeting planners. As an event planner, you’re likely aware of the many benefits that wireless microphones offer. Wireless microphones offer superior mobility for your presenters, help reduce stage clutter and tripping hazards, are incredibly easy to use, and come in a variety of configurations, including options for handheld or hands-free microphones,… Read the rest

5 A/V Tricks to Boost Attendee Engagement at Your Next Event

conference microphonesEvent planners pride themselves on mastering every detail of their meeting, conference or lecture series. But it’s often easy for planners to overlook the most important event planning detail of all: attendee engagement. Event planners should know that the quality of a venue’s A/V infrastructure plays a critical role in the ability of a presenter to engage an audience. Bad… Read the rest

6 Simple Steps To Keep A/V Equipment Safe At Your Events

One item event planners often overlook on their event planning checklists is whether or not their A/V equipment is walking out their venue’s front door. A/V equipment security is a big deal. Audio and visual equipment can be very expensive, and much of it is small and easily concealed. Items like microphones and laptops are ideal targets for theft and… Read the rest

Event Planning Checklist: 11 Reminders for Pain-Free Events & Conferences

From cancellations and missed flights to equipment malfunctions and registration issues, there are many potential problems that can derail an otherwise well-planned event. An event planning checklist is the event planner’s best defense against an event gone awry. Here is our event planning checklist with 11 tips and reminders to help keep you event planners on track! 1. Plan Your… Read the rest

What Are Headphones, Headsets & Earphones?

Headphones, Headsets & Earphones: How to Tell the Difference Headphones, headsets, earphones: These terms are freely tossed around the internet with little regard for accuracy. What exactly do they mean, anyway? First the bad news: There is little (if any) consensus as to precise meanings for these terms. Now the good news: AudioLinks has unilaterally concocted our own definitions for… Read the rest