Handheld PA’s & Megaphones

Choosing the Right Handheld PA & Megaphones Hand-Held PA’s & Megaphones: There Is No Such Thing As A Small Audience Megaphones: A megaphone is a cone-shaped device designed to amplify spoken words or manufactured sounds (such as a warning siren). Megaphones have a long history stretching back to the ancient world. They are a naturally occurring acoustical enhancement. In other… Read the rest

Powered Megaphones & Bullhorns Amplify Speech

How To Choose a Powered Megaphone or Bullhorn What Are They? Embed from Getty Images Megaphones, also known as bullhorns, are instantly recognizable because of their distinctive conical or bell shape. For literally thousands of years sound, and particularly the human voice, has been projected by megaphones. This is due to the natural acoustic properties of a parabaloid. The shape… Read the rest

3 Tips for Choosing the Ideal Megaphone

Megaphones can provide powerful sound reinforcement and amplification during your outdoor events, no matter what season it is! Whether you’re paging cousins for dinner at a family reunion, rallying kids at summer camp or leading your congregation at a church gathering, the right megaphone helps amplify your voice so you can be heard by all. How can you be sure… Read the rest

3 Sound System Solutions for Outdoor Sporting Events

Our Forecast for Outdoor Fun Summer is here — and with it comes a host of outdoor sporting events! Whether you’re putting together a volleyball tournament or soccer match, you’ll need a sound system to  broadcast to fans and enable communication between coaches and officials. For calling to the players or firing up a tightly packed group of spectators, you… Read the rest

2 Vehicle Mounted PA Systems Take Your Message on the Move

Hit the Road With a Vehicle Mounted PA System Stationary PA systems can easily reach fans seated in bleachers, but for events where the participants (or the announcers) are in motion, a PA system that can move with the crowd becomes crucial. And while megaphones and mini PA systems are highly portable, they are impractical for situations such as parades… Read the rest

Megaphones & Bullhorns Get Your Words Heard

What Are Megaphones? Megaphones, also known as bullhorns, are instantly recognizable because of their distinctive conical or bell shape. For thousands of years,  the human voice has been projected by megaphones. This is due to the natural acoustic properties of their parabaloid shape, which  focuses sound waves to make them travel further, but in a narrow arc. What is relatively… Read the rest