How To Choose Noise Cancelling Headphones that Fit Your Needs

Man Listening to Music with Wireless HeadphonesWhat Are Noise Cancelling Headphones? For commuters and travelers faced with noisy planes, trains, and buses, noise cancelling headphones are more than a luxury: they’re a necessity. Noise cancelling headphones cancel annoying background sounds by employing a variety of techniques, both active and passive. Active noise cancelling technology blocks sounds such as plane engines and train vibrations by creating interference… Read the rest

Headphones vs. Headsets – Earpiece Speaker, Speaker Configuration & Connectivity

3 Major Differences between Headsets and Headphones I can remember a time when headphones fulfilled a very specific purpose in my life – being able to play my favorite music as loud as I wanted without disturbing anyone else around me. My presently-diminished hearing is testament to the fact that I liked my music extremely loud and that headphones of… Read the rest

How To Choose Your Ideal Headphones

Stereo Headphones Enhance Music Enjoyment at Home Stereo headphones are personal speakers worn on the ears to provide private, high fidelity listening for music, games, movies or other home audio applications. Headphones  have become a familiar part of our lives and listening habits, due in large part to the proliferation of media players and other personal audio devices in the… Read the rest

7 Questions To Help Teachers Choose A Listening Center

Regardless of their level of study, many students find it easier to learn by listening rather than by simply looking. That’s why listening  or learning centers, which add sound to a teacher’s repertoire, are now standard equipment in many schools and classrooms. A listening center features three primary components: Media player Headphones Hub that links multiple headsets to the… Read the rest

What Are Headphones, Headsets & Earphones?

Headphones, Headsets & Earphones: How to Tell the Difference Headphones, headsets, earphones: These terms are freely tossed around the internet with little regard for accuracy. What exactly do they mean, anyway? First the bad news: There is little (if any) consensus as to precise meanings for these terms. Now the good news: AudioLinks has unilaterally concocted our own definitions for… Read the rest

Got Game? Choose Your Ideal Gaming Headset

Great Games Deserve a Great Headset The entertainment industry has weathered dozens of seismic shifts in the 21st century- and none of these shifts has been more decisive than the rise of gaming. Once confined to kids, hobbyists, and geeks, gaming is now a massive industry with revenues that rival Hollywood, and dwarf that of an ailing music business. Along… Read the rest

Classroom Learning Centers Use Sound To Enhance Learning

6 Features to Consider When Purchasing A Classroom Learning Center From pre-K through adult education or even for home schooling, many students find learning enhanced by listening rather than looking. That’s why learning centers, which use sound to help you teach, are standard classroom AV equipment. Learning centers not only reinforce and enhance visual learning, but also help students with… Read the rest

Are Loud Media Players Causing Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Teens?

Study: Cranked Earbuds Contribute to Spike in Teen Hearing Loss For today’s teens, dangling earbuds are as ubiquitous as facial jewelry. But a recent study shows that unlike adornments, they could be far from harmless. An article in the August 18, 2010 issue of JAMA concludes that one in five American adolescents experienced hearing loss from 2005-2006. What’s more, this… Read the rest

Able Planet Headphones: True Fidelity, Truly Affordable

Able Planet Headphones Squash Background Noise But Not Your Cash Flow Able Planet has come a long way from their beginnings as a manufacturer of assistive listening technologies for the hearing impaired. With their extensive line of affordable, high-quality headphones, Able Planet is poised to take on pricier competitors & establish their brand as a top-shelf choice for gamers and… Read the rest

Passive Noise Cancelling Headphones Provide Peaceful Travels

Passive Noise Cancelling Headphones Block Background Noise the Easy Way Look around the bus, train, or plane the next time you travel. Chances are, many of your fellow travelers are sporting headphones. Favorite podcasts or music playlists are tried and true ways to brighten a commute. But the struggle to eliminate background noise can cause commuters to crank up the… Read the rest